Postscabetic dermatitis can be downright itchy. Most people who are suffering from postscabetic dermatitis cannot sleep all night with all the itch and discomforts brought about by this type allergy. Yes, postscabetic dermatitis is a kind of allergy; it is not scabies at all. Scabies are caused by mites living in our skin while postscabetic dermatitis is caused by allergic reactions to the mites in the skin and may even persist even when all the scabies have been eliminated from your skin. Yes, the whole itchy thing is very uncomfortable so if you have this type of allergy, you better settle in for a long night. It is very hard to sleep when you are itching all over.
Treating Postscabetic Dermatitis
No, you cannot eliminate postscabetic dermatitis by taking any mite killing medication. Always remember that you are dealing with allergies here so you need special treatment for your allergies. To find the best treatment for your allergies, you better see your doctor immediately. Do not take just any of those over the counter drugs of liniments to relieve your discomforts. Note that taking the wrong type of over the counter drugs and liniments can make things worst for you. You don't really want to end up scratching yourself like crazy all night long so go see your doctor immediately.
If your symptoms start in the middle of the night and you do not have access to your doctor, do not run to the nearest emergency room. Yes you are uncomfortable and you want to get fast relief from that itching and burning sensation but you cannot just run to the emergency room because of some persistent itch. Note that people in the emergency room are very busy and if they think that your case is not really so serious, they may not really be very happy to see you especially when there are a lot of dying people in the room who need their attention. Instead of running to the emergency room, take a hot bath to ease the itch a little. Hot water can sooth away the itch so take a long warm bath. Make sure that you do not put any oil, scent or soap in your bath to avoid irritating your skin further.
After taking a long warm bath, pat yourself dry with a warm soft towel. Do not rub your skin. Yes, it is very tempting to rub your skin at this point but unless you want to rub yourself raw, do not start rubbing your skin with a towel.

Postscabetic Dermatitis: How To Get Rid Of That Ugly Itch
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Posted by Richard Bee at 11:35 PM
Labels: Dermatitis, Ugly Itch
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