The term Dermatitis is usually used to describe multiple groups of skin inflammations. This disease commonly refers to eczema and results from an allergic reaction to specific allergens. Although optic dermatitis is not classified as eczema, it can occur as a complication from severe atopic dermatitis. People suffering from atopic dermatitis can develop optic dermatitis when they start to manifest photophobia and pruritus, which is the unpleasant sensation evoking the desire or reflex to scratch. Additionally, people with optic dermatitis exhibit a fold of skin under the lower eyelid called the Dennie-Morgan fold.
Atopic dermatitis can develop to optic dermatitis if there is a noticeable darkening of the infraorbital area. The complication can also be accompanied by eyelid dermatitis and blepharitis. The atopic keratoconjunctivitis is also a form of optic dermatitis and occurs in one quarter of patients. During the onset of optic dermatitis, scarring and shrinking of the fornices, punctuate corneal staining, ulceration and vascularization can occur. The patient would also develop unbearable itchiness on the eyelid. Severe cases of optic dermatitis can lead to permanent eye damage and loss of vision.
There are also other complications that can develop from atopic dermatitis aside from optic dermatitis. These may include hand dermatitis, skin infections and the exfoliative dermatitis.
Signs and Symptoms of Optic Dermatitis
There are several signs and symptoms of the disease and these include inflammation of the eyelid also known as blepharitis. Conjunctivitis can also occur along the lining of the eyelids. The inner lining of the eyelids can also be inflamed. This causes a cobblestone pattern under the eyelids. These inflammations can cause extreme itching and burning sensations. There will also be severe watering of the eyes sometimes accompanied by mucous.
In severe cases of the complication, the cornea can be deformed. This is probably due to constant hand rubbing of the eyes. This causes excruciating itchiness in the eyelids.
Treating Optic Dermatitis
It is absolutely necessary to seek a dermatologist when you experience any of the mentioned symptoms. This would prevent the disease from developing further and allow early diagnosis and treatment. You can also ask for help from an ophthalmologist since these people are experts in eye complications. The application of lotions and creams should not be administered without proper medical guidance.
There are severe cases of the ailment that develops vascularization and risk of rejection. People with such cases are not advised to undergo corneal transplantation due to the unsuccessful nature of the operation.

The "Itchy" Reality of Optic Dermatitis
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Posted by Richard Bee at 11:35 PM
Labels: Optic Dermatitis
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