There is no doubt about it, suffering from atopic dermatitis can be irritating and maybe even a little painful, but with proper care and treatment, it can be managed and controlled. A lot of people have atopic dermatitis as it is the most common form of dermatitis, but most people do not know this rash by its formal name and often refer to it as eczema. But no matter what one calls it, this non-contagious skin condition is hereditary and it is not life threatening in any way shape or form. Most often, this condition is irritated by irritants such as allergens or food.
A good thing though is that the symptoms can decrease or even completely disappear over time as a person ages. But then again, on the flip side, the symptoms of atopic dermatitis can increase and get worse as it varies case by case. When young children face the symptoms, doctors usually diagnose atopic dermatitis correctly. But often times, in older children or adults, doctors may mistakenly think that the atopic dermatitis is psoriasis. Also, this skin condition does not just affect the skin of humans because some domesticated dogs are prone to this as well.
Preventing It From Coming Back
Anyone who suffers from atopic dermatitis will tell you that it is not fun and it can be embarrassing so they will try just about anything to stop it from coming back. While there is no cure for this skin condition, there are a few things that can be done in order to help keep the number of outbreaks down. Learning what a particular patient's trigger is can be important in controlling the situation because what may cause one person to break out in a rash may not cause a rash in someone else. Although not yet proven, a lot of people see that there are certain foods that cause the rash to appear such as nuts, milk, and wheat.
Also, a person's environment can play a big role in the outbreaks of atopic dermatitis. Dust is an allergen that people with atopic dermatitis should avoid along with smoke. Also, it has been seen that the dander from cats and dogs can trigger an outbreak of a rash. Some people even find that if they get too stressed out or angered, they will breakout in a rash. Also, extreme heat or temperature changes can cause a reaction of the atopic dermatitis. Pretty much, when trying to determine what will work for a particular person, one must sort of go through a trial and error period to see exactly what it is that causes the outbreaks in order to control them.

All About Atopic Dermatitis
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Posted by Richard Bee at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic Dermatitis Steroid Withdrawal: Dealing With Side Effects
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Steroids are commonly given to people who are suffering from dermatitis. The good thing about steroids is that they are fast acting so the swelling and the itching on the skin often subside within a short period of time. Unfortunately, like many types of drugs, steroids can have some serious side effects on the body. A lot of people suffer from atopic dermatitis steroid withdrawal when they are taken off the treatment. Atopic dermatitis steroid withdrawal can be quite debilitating especially among small children and old people. According to studies, about 10 to 12 percent of children who suffer from atopic dermatitis steroid withdrawal syndrome need to be hospitalized for several days to control their symptoms. Infants and very young children are especially susceptible to side effects.
The risk of atopic dermatitis steroid withdrawal is often exacerbated by many factors. Some of the factors that increase the risk of atopic dermatitis steroid withdrawal are potency of the steroid applied topically to the skin or taken in the form of oral medication, the amount of steroid used and the area of the skin where the steroid is topically applied. Studies show that steroids penetrate the skin faster when they are topically applied on the groin area and on the face. People who are suffering from dermatitis on the face and in their groin area should be very careful about using steroids to treat their skin if they are to avoid atopic dermatitis steroid withdrawal syndrome.
Alternative Treatment
The best way to avoid atopic dermatitis steroid withdrawal syndrome is to avoid using steroids as much as possible. Steroids should only be used to treat severe dermatitis. People should try to find alternative ways of treating dermatitis. There are plenty of ways to treat certain types of dermatitis. Some of these forms of treatments are very effective especially during the early stages of dermatitis.
Aside from seeking alternative treatment for dermatitis, a good diet can help fight skin diseases. Eating the right kind of food is very important to avoid skin inflammation and infections. Fresh fruits and vegetables can help build up the body's immune system. A strong and healthy immune system is very important to ward off diseases.
A person who is suffering from this type of disease should avoid food that may cause allergies and skin inflammation. Some of the foods that can cause allergies are eggs, seafood, fish, milk, chocolate and some types of fruits and nuts. To know more about alternative treatment for certain types of dermatitis, consult your doctor.
Posted by Richard Bee at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Atopic Dermatitis, Side Effects
Knowing the Several Causes for Dermatitis
Friday, May 16, 2008
Before knowing the several causes for dermatitis it is important to realize what the term dermatitis really means. The term dermatitis usually refers to eczema, thus the term dermatitis eczema. It is a blanket term for the several kinds of skin inflammations. Simply put, dermatitis is a collective term for different types of skin ailments related to eczema. The knowledge of the several causes for dermatitis would not be sufficient without knowing the "sub-diseases" involved. Eczema and dermatitis encompass the atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic dermatitis, hand dermatitis, neurodermatitis, nummular dermatitis, occupational dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis and the stasis dermatitis.
The ultimate factors, which can be classified as the causes for dermatitis still baffle medical professionals. However, there are certain elements that can contribute to the causes for dermatitis. These factors can sometimes trigger or worsen dermatitis and its types. An instance of the immune system reacting to environmental and emotional triggers can cause dermatitis. This would eventually lead to the occurrence of the basic symptom of dermatitis, which is an itchy rash on the skin.
People with dermatitis may experience unique set of disturbances that might have led to the onset of the disease. The most common causes for dermatitis may include: changes in the temperature or the overall humidity, allergies, severe emotion of stress and other infections of any kind. There are irritants produced by chemicals that may also cause dermatitis. These irritants normally come from pesticides, paint strippers, alcohol, astringents, perfumes, detergents and other household cleaners. Cloth fabrics, i.e. wool, can also be classified as the causes for dermatitis. However, these irritants are categorized as physical irritants. Dermatitis and eczema occurs in both children and adults but usually exhibits during infancy. Through this fact, the causes for dermatitis are theorized to involve allergies that are passed through the family. People who are genetically predisposed to the disease show signs of the ailment through exposure to the environment.
Preventing the Causes for Dermatitis
The causes for dermatitis can be prevented through simple precautions. Frequently moisturizing the skin, avoiding sudden changes in the temperature or humidity and reducing stress are some of the common measures to avoid the onset of the disease. Staying away from the common irritants, harsh soaps, detergents and solvents are also helpful since these are the common causes for dermatitis. Those who have been diagnosed with a pre-existing allergy must immediately prevent themselves from interacting to the factors that may cause their allergy such as molds, pollens, dust mites, and animal dander. There are also certain foods that may stimulate allergic reactions, which can often develop to dermatitis. Avoiding these foods are necessary to prevent the development of dermatitis.
Posted by Richard Bee at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Causes for Dermatitis
The Right Knowledge You Need To Battle Cinnamon Dermatitis
Thursday, May 15, 2008
There are some people who do not now that they are allergic to certain or many objects in this world. Maybe the most common allergens are those that come from spices. Cinnamon dermatitis main attributes are bullous eruptions on the skin that was exposed to the allergen. There are two components of cinnamon that are known to initiate anaphylactic reactions namely, the cinnamon oil and the cinnamic aldehyde. The latter is the most common of the allergic constituents. It is also widely used in several products making the exposure increase in possibility.
Cinnamon oil was documented to be an allergen for many people during the nineteenth century. Contact with this allergen causes cinnamon dermatitis to exhibit in the form of swelling in the throat. Severe cases have the possibility to cause asphyxia. It is important to know if you are allergic to cinnamon by undergoing allergy testing. These tests are also known as RAST test or Allergy screen with the formal name of Allergen-specific IgE antibody test. Additionally, these tests involve Total IgE, complete blood count, white blood cell differential count, Eosinophil count, and Basophil count.
Cinnamon contact dermatitis is considered as irritant contact dermatitis, meaning that the allergic reaction would only occur during prolonged exposure to the irritant. However, in people with either pre-determined medical ailments or hypersensitivity to the specific allergen, the effects might be instantaneous.
Cinnamon Dermatitis in Toothpastes
Probably the one of the most commonly used product is the toothpaste. There were reports of cinnamon dermatitis in several countries related to the use of toothpastes. If you are sensitive to certain allergens, it is necessary for you to avoid flavored toothpastes. Cinnamon was known to be integrated in such products to serve as the main flavoring agent. This instance produced oral symptoms and cinnamon dermatitis to several people in England. These people were mostly affected by one percent of cinnamic aldehyde in the toothpastes. Some of the patients affected with the cinnamon dermatitis developed a severe case of acute stomatitis due to the cinnamon oil in toothpastes.
Study shows that toothpastes are not entirely safe to use due to its constituents. Almost 50% of the total forty-eight products contained approximately thirty compounds and these compounds are widely known to cause irritations. Flavor agents and preservatives are the most common ingredients in toothpastes to cause allergic reactions.
Self-Care at Home for Cinnamon Dermatitis
If you have experienced cinnamon dermatitis in the past, it is necessary to avoid touching the objects that might have caused the ailment. You can also wash your hands with soap and cool water in order to remove most the substance that caused cinnamon dermatitis. However, this method must be done immediately after exposure.
Blistering might sometimes develop upon initial contact with the allergen. Immediate treatment includes a cold and moist compress applied on the exposed area for thirty minutes. It is advisable to do this at least three times a day. You can also try a cool oatmeal bath, calamine lotion and oral antihistamines that are helpful in relieving the itching. Additionally, refrain from applying antihistamine lotions directly on the exposed skin since you may also develop allergic contact dermatitis from the lotion itself.
Posted by Richard Bee at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cinnamon Dermatitis
Understanding Contact Dermatitis And What It Involves
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
With all of the different types of dermatitis that are out there, it can be hard to understand each and every one. But when you are told by a professional that you certainly have contact dermatitis, you need to make sure that you understand everything there is to know about this type of skin condition. This way, you can make sure that you are fully aware of how to treat the affected area and how to prevent it, if at all possible. By doing that, you will be giving yourself a chance of not having to deal with this rash all of the time.
First, we need to understand just what exactly contact dermatitis is, so that we can take care of the problem properly. As the name of the condition states, it is caused through contact, but not with another person. You cannot catch it from anyone and you cannot pass it on to anyone else if you are suffering from it. The contact that is meant is the contact between the skin and allergens or irritants. This is generally a rash that is localized to a particular area of the skin, which helps make treatment easier. The most common causes of contact dermatitis are soaps, cleaning products, poison ivy, poison oak, and detergents.
Symptoms And Treatment
A lot of times, people suffering from contact dermatitis will experience a red rash, which will appear within twenty four to forty eight hours after direct contact with an irritant. This can sometimes cause problems in trying to determine what exactly it was that caused the reaction in the first place. There may also be blisters in the affected area or sometimes even what would be considered hives. Probably the most irritating symptom of contact dermatitis is that of the skin being itchy or giving off a burning sensation. And most of the time, contact dermatitis and its symptoms affect the hands because it is the hands that come into the most contact with different things.
When it comes to treating contact dermatitis, you need to wash your hands right away after dealing with any irritant or allergen that you know can give you a reaction. You can try a cold compress to the affected area for about thirty minutes if some blistering comes about. Calamine lotion rubbed onto the skin and an oral antihistamine can help relieve the pain and irritation of itching. A doctor will need to be contacted if the contact dermatitis rash does not get better within three days. There may be prescription creams and lotions that can be given to help out.
Posted by Richard Bee at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Contact Dermatitis
The Details Regarding Contact Dermatitis Due to Mangos
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Contact dermatitis from plants commonly developed through contact with poison ivy and poison oak. However, there are also people that develop contact dermatitis due to mangos. The instance of contact dermatitis due to mangos can be blamed to the chemical content called urushiol. This ingredient is found in the oil of mango sap. People who are found to be allergic to poison ivy and poison oaks usually react upon contact with the said chemical ingredient. The most common result of contact dermatitis due to mangos is an itchy skin condition or the allergic contact dermatitis.
Those that develop contact dermatitis due to mangos are only allergic to the sap. Additionally, the disease can be acquired through contact with the mango tree's leaves, bark or stems, or the skin of the fruit. Contact dermatitis due to mangos results in itching, redness, blisters and some people can develop hives. The reaction is not immediate and often happens in twelve to twenty-four hours after contact. If contact dermatitis due to mangos is left untreated, the condition can extend to one to three weeks duration.
Contact dermatitis due to mangos can also be classified as urushiol-induced contact dermatitis. Urushiol is in the form of oil and is usually used as lacquer in Japan. Urushiol in mangos is only found on the peel and other parts of the tree but not on the juice.
Dealing with Contact Dermatitis Due to Mangos
Contact dermatitis due to mangos can be dealt with by washing the exposed area with a dish detergent. You must also avoid contact with the sap of the mango tree. It is not advisable to climb the tree, pick the fruits yourself or even hold the branches since these parts may contain the allergen. Let someone handle the peeling of mangos for you but you can still peel the mango yourself by wearing disposable plastic gloves. It has been suspected that dish detergents can wash the allergy-causing oil in the sap better than regular soaps. If you develop contact dermatitis due to mangos, you are not advised to use bendryl cream. This has the possibility of worsening the condition. There are over-the-counter products that can treat contact dermatitis due to mangos such as the cortisone cream. You can also administer oral aspirin or antihistamines to provide relief from the itch and irritation.
The disease normally resolves itself after fourteen days without treatment. It is not advisable to scratch the affected area since this may result to secondary infection. The infection can be caused by the staphylococcal and streptococcal species.
Posted by Richard Bee at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Contact Dermatitis
Alternatives When You Have Contact Dermatitis From Kleenex
Monday, May 12, 2008
Surprising as it may seem, Kleenex can actually cause skin problems. Contact dermatitis from Kleenex is actually a possible condition. Before there were law suits for Kimberly Clark, because contact dermatitis from Kleenex was prevalent.
Contact dermatitis from Kleenex occurs because of Kleenex’s ingredient of malic acid that can cause skin irritation to some people. However, it is now possible for you to avoid contact dermatitis from Kleenex. Due to the problems encountered in the past, they have now made improvements on their products.
With the advancements of technology you can now avoid contact dermatitis from Kleenex. Kimberly Clark has made new formulas and products that don’t contain malic acid. If you experience contact dermatitis from Kleenex, there are now other Kleenex alternative products you can use if you need tissue paper. Get to know some of them.
Virus Killing Tissue
One alternative is the anti-viral tissue made by Kleenex. This is a new product from Kleenex that can kill 99% of viruses, causing colds and flu, within the tissue. Basically it is a tissue designed for use if you have colds or flu, so that the virus doesn’t spread in the environment, especially at home.
Since skin irritation has been an issue for most mothers, especially when using products for their babies, Kleenex was asked about skin sensitivity and irritation of this new product. Kleenex answered that yes, it is safe and gentle enough for the whole family, even for the delicate skin of babies.
Hypoallergenic Toilet Tissue
If you need not so fancy tissue paper for toilet use that wouldn’t cause you contact dermatitis attacks, you can opt for Kleenex’s Hypoallergenic Toilet Tissue. It is tissue paper made with fewer ingredients that can cause allergies to trigger your skin irritation. These may come in scented and unscented forms, since some people are allergic to perfumes and scents.
Facial Tissues
If you need facial tissues that won’t trigger your dermatitis, you can use Kleenex Cold Care Facial Tissues, With Aloe & Vitamin E. This tissue product works like their anti-viral tissue, but has some perks with it. It also contains aloe and vitamin E; to be sure that it is skin safe, even for those with extremely sensitive skin and allergies.
These are the alternatives you’ve got if you have contact dermatitis from regular tissue paper. However, there are also other brands that cater hypoallergenic and skin safe tissue papers. These are widely available in pharmacies and supermarkets and all you have to do is look.
Posted by Richard Bee at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Contact Dermatitis